An independent bookstore for independent readers in the heart of St. Louis, near Tower Grove Park in the South Grand business district.

3211 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis MO 63118

Hours of Operation: Sunday Noon to 5pm, Closed Monday, Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 6pm

314-707-7558, but we’re better with email.

  • Interior view of a small, tastefully appointed bookstore with wood floors and lighter wood shelves and tables, looking from the rear of the shop through the space to the front window

    Our Story

    In 1836, Albert Koch, an immigrant to St. Louis, opened a museum on the city's riverfront. Its boldest display was something he called the Missouri Leviathan, assembled from ancient bones he'd dug out of the muddy banks of the Mississippi and dwarfing the other prehistoric mammals known at the time. Using humble materials and big ideas, he created something truly grand—and fictional. More cautious scientists in later years realized he'd jammed multiple mastodon skeletons together.

    Notwithstanding this minor error in judgment, Koch is an inspiration for the scope of his vision, his eagerness to please the public, and yes, his chutzpah. That's why we're rolling up our sleeves, using what we find, and creating something we know will be truly grand: Leviathan Bookstore, a brand-new, independently operated hub for readers in St. Louis.

  • A line drawing of a fanciful leviathan, with mammoth head and forelegs and a whale's tail curled around it

    Order online

    While we love seeing our customers in person, we know that’s not always possible. Sometimes you get an impulse to buy a book in the middle of the night, and sometimes you just want to stay in your pajamas all day. Luckily, we can send most any title you want straight to your home.

    All you have to do is order from our affliliate page on Bookshop.org, where you can find our recommendations as well as make discoveries of your own. You’re only a click or two away from your new favorite read!

    If you listen to books as well as read them, we’ve got you covered. You can download audiobooks from us, too, thanks to our partners at Libro.fm.

  • A close-up photo of the book Reading the Room by Paul Yamazaki, displayed on a bookstore counter with bookmarks adjacent

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